
Showing posts from May, 2024

Credo in Unum Deum.

I believe in one God, who is eternal, immortal and indestructible. He (I will stick to the conventional male pronoun, at least for now) is omnipotent, in that he can do anything that is not logically impossible - he cannot create square circles, but can do anything allowed by logic - and is the creator and sustainer of the Universe we live in, and any others that might exist. By 'eternal' I mean that God exists forever - he existed before the 'Big Bang', and will go on existing after the Universe has reached thermodynamic equilibrium, or 'Heat Death', which it must do at some future point, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, when all motion ceases. I concur with the First of the Church of England's XXXIX Articles of Religion that God is 'without body, parts and passions.' The attribute of 'impassibility' may be a late Greek addition, and nothing much to do with the Jewish God we see in the Tanakh , or Jewish Bible (Christian 'O