A Just and Loving God?
If the God of the monotheistic faiths is not one worthy of worship, then - indeed, a detestable invention, made in humanity's image, if anything, and the vile source of all the evil, pain and suffering in the universe, if not - what kind of God would be worthy of our worship and adoration? To begin with 'he' would not be a 'he' - or a 'she' or an 'it'. A whole new vocabulary would be required to refer to this deity accurately, but even that would not be adequate. I will not even begin to attempt it here. Such a being would be infinite and eternal, immortal and indestructible, like the Jewish and Christian God. S/he would also be personal - though unipersonal, not tri-personal, like the Christian deity (a nonsensical idea!), and rational. There is no question but that s/he would be transcendent and immanent, and omnibenevolent. We can assume that this being is the creator of the universe, and that s/he is omnipresent and omniscient, in the sense cont...